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BIOGRAPHY: Angela Franklin, Coff Harbour NSW

Angela is very passionate about sustainable outcomes for those engaging in mediation to improve workplace relations. She understands how important promoting & facilitating positive workplace relationships impacts on the bottom line for organisations and their potential for business growth & productivity.

Unresolved conflict in the workplace results in long protracted issues with individual staff/managers that directly impacts all staff members & the reputation of the business.

Angela has had 28 years of industry experience working across both Government & the non-government sector, leading best practice in complex casework in Disability, Family & Community Services.

She is NMAS Nationally accredited Mediator & Family Group Conference facilitator working with complex scenarios to negotiate sustainable agreements for children & adults.

Angela has led a number of State-wide projects leading to Innovation & significant reform in the sector for children & young people with complex disabilities, in project management roles advocating for change & recognition of the strengths within extended family networks.

Work Experiences

Family & Community Services- Ageing Disability & Homecare, Family Group Conferencing facilitator- (10 years) Voluntary Out of Home Care models to support children & young people with complex disabilities. Mediation & negotiation with extended family to develop family plans to support the child in partnership with Community Services.

Manager Client Services-NGO, Extensive experience managing performance- mediating & negotiating workplace agreements for disputes in the workplace. Managing complaints & negotiating service agreements for client matters.

  • Mediation Institute Inc.
  • NMAS Accreditation Mediator
  • Uniting Institute of Family Studies
  • Statement of Attainment Advanced Diploma of Systemic therapy- Family Group Conferencing
  • Uniting Institute of Family Studies
  • Statement of Attainment Diploma of Systemic Counselling Skills- Effective group leadership
  • Associate Degree- Australian Catholic University
  • Education- Habilitation