BIOGRAPHY: Sally Dwyer, NSW, Sydney
Sally is a pragmatic, commercial and creative individual, who over the last 15 years has been in national and global senior leadership roles, requiring significant influence at Board and C-suite level. I have worked in matrix lead organisations spanning multiple regions and cultures and single country SME’s
With over 20 years as an Human Resources executive seeing conflict happen in the workplace, within teams and to individuals Sally understand the power of constructive conflict for creativity and innovation however when it turns into a toxic environment mediation is often the best way to resolve conflict and get to the heart of the issues.
Sally has mediated workplace, community and family conflicts and am accredited by the National Mediation Standards Association as well as internationally by London School of Mediation (workplace) and Cedr (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution).

Sally believes mediation is a powerful tool for resolving disputes with a greater sense of satisfaction and ownership by the parties of any resulting agreements with increased communication and understanding of each other (and hopefully reduced future conflicts).
Sally’s corporate experience and strong communication and rapport building skills assist me in strengthening both the individual and organisation’s ability to:
- communicate openly
- manage conflict
- negotiate productively
- strengthen relationships
- Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI) by Human Synergistics
- Accredited Mediator, Cedr
- Masters of Social Policy & Planning, Global Social Policy & Planning, London School of Economics
- Hogan Assessment Systems Accreditation
- Emotional Intelligence Accreditation (Hay Group)
- Team Management Systems Accreditation
- Graduate Certificate in Change Management, Australian GraduateSchool of Management (AGSM)
- Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training, University of Technology, Sydney
- Bachelor of Business, Human Resource Management, Griffith University, Queensland