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BIOGRAPHY: Yvonne Flanders, Qld, Gold Coast

The quality and well-being of the individuals and teams that form any organisation lies at the heart of its success. Yvonne is passionate about tackling the issues that need to be addressed in affording individuals the dignity and respect they deserve in the workplace and their personal lives in order for them to achieve their potential and the contribution we are all capable of making to a successful organisation and workplace.

Yvonne’s background is in corporate business executive customer service, with a personal career change into positive psychology focused on holistic wellbeing. She supports people and organisations to reach their full potential by maximising individual’s wellbeing based on passion and purpose.

Yvonne’s reflective approach, centred on strengths and values, provides an organisation, team or individual the deep understanding of strengths and drivers vital to thriving and successful transition.

Yvonne’s specialities include counselling, coaching, mediation, collaboration, motivating and mobilising in times of ambiguity, influential and transparent communication, strong active listening, rapport building based on integrity and trust, facilitation, realising commercial objectives.