Professional Development Workshop

These sessions allow budding practitioners and accredited mediators to further develop their mediation skills with experienced accredited Emverio Master Mediators
9 March 2021 – Practicing Intakes
This session is for accredited mediators or people who are enrolled in the Facilitated Discussion Certificate Course, or people who have completed the 5 week online Conducting Workplace Facilitation webinars. These sessions are conducted with accredited and experienced workplace mediators. They are designed for mediators to be able to practice their skills in a safe and collegial environment for the purposes of developing your mediation practice.
Upon registration you will receive a ‘Mediation Request Form’ with some basic information about your employer and the participant employees in dispute for your role play.
Your session is a role play and you are given the opportunity to rotate through the different roles as a mediator, the employer or the employee. You will be given the opportunity to conduct one 20 – 30 minute intake with either the employer or one of the employees (role-players). You will also take turns at being either the employer or employee. You will get to observe and be observed overseen by a trained, experienced mediator coach to provide guidance and feedback.
You will be provided feedback about;
- Your introduction
- You explanation of the mediation process and your role
- Rules of engagement
- Expectations (of the parties)
- Explaining logistics
- Your engagement and repore with the participants
- Listening to the parties and identifying issues
- Answering common questions
- Mediation micro-skills (how many you use and how effectively you use them)
- Feedback from the participants
27 April 2021 – Practicing your Introduction and Agenda Setting
This session is for accredited mediators or people who are enrolled in the Facilitated Discussion Certificate Course, or people who have completed the 5 week online Conducting Workplace Facilitation webinars.
These sessions are conducted with accredited and experienced workplace mediators. They are designed for mediators to be able to practice their skills in a safe and collegial environment for the purposes of developing your mediation practice.
Upon registration you will receive a scenario of a common workplace conflict.
Your session is a role play and you are given the opportunity to rotate through the different roles as a mediator, and the disputing employees. You will be given the opportunity to practice your introduction and setting the agenda with the two participant role players. You will also take turns at being the mediator or an employee participant. You will get to observe and be observed overseen by a trained, experienced mediator coach to provide guidance and feedback.
You will be provided feedback about;
- Your introduction
- You explanation of the mediation process and your role
- Rules of engagement
- Expectations (of the parties)
- Explaining logistics
- Your engagement and repore with the participants
- Listening to the parties and identifying issues
- Answering common questions
- Setting the agenda and prioritising the agenda
- Mediation micro-skills (how many you use and how effectively you use them)
- Feedback from the participants
19 July 2021 – Practicing exploration and private sessions
This session is for accredited mediators or people who are enrolled in the Facilitated Discussion Certificate Course, or people who have completed the 5 week online Conducting Workplace Facilitation webinars.
These sessions are conducted with accredited and experienced workplace mediators. They are designed for mediators to be able to practice their skills in a safe and collegial environment for the purposes of developing your mediation practice.
Upon registration you will receive a scenario of a common workplace conflict.
Your session is a role play and you are given the opportunity to rotate through the different roles as a mediator, and the disputing employees.
It will be assumed that you have conducted your intakes and started your mediation by having completed your introduction, set the agenda and prioritised the agenda.
You will be given these at your workshop.
You will start your practice at the exploration stage of the mediation process and will be given an opportunity to assist the parties to explore their agenda items and break into private sessions. You will also take turns at being the mediator or an employee participant. You will get to observe and be observed overseen by a trained, experienced mediator coach to provide guidance and feedback.
You will be provided feedback about;
- How well you navigate the agenda items
- Ensuring parties feel heard
- Ensuring the rules of engagement are adhered to
- Your ability to maintain independence
- Not providing instructions or advice to the parties
- Your ability to invite private sessions and the timing of those
- Mediation micro-skills (how many you use and how effectively you use them)
- Feedback from the participants
14 September 2021 – Practicing exploration with a focus on option generation and capturing
This session is for accredited mediators or people who are enrolled in the Facilitated Discussion Certificate Course, or people who have completed the 5 week online Conducting Workplace Facilitation webinars.
These sessions are conducted with accredited and experienced workplace mediators. They are designed for mediators to be able to practice their skills in a safe and collegial environment for the purposes of developing your mediation practice.
Upon registration you will receive a scenario of a common workplace conflict.
Your session is a role play and you are given the opportunity to rotate through the different roles as a mediator, and the disputing employees.
It will be assumed that you have conducted your intakes and started your mediation by having completed your introduction, set the agenda and prioritised the agenda and have conducted most of the exploration phase. You will be given a summary of these at your workshop.
You will start your practice at briefly reviewing the exploration stage of the mediation process and focus the parties on generating options that you will then draft into agreements. You will also take turns at being the mediator or an employee participant. You will get to observe and be observed overseen by a trained, experienced mediator coach to provide guidance and feedback.
You will be provided feedback about;
- How well you navigate the agenda items
- Ensuring parties feel heard
- Ensuring the rules of engagement are adhered to
- Your ability to maintain independence
- Not providing instructions or advice to the parties
- Your ability to capture the intention of the parties in written agreements
- What do you do if they don't want written agreements
- Mediation micro-skills (how many you use and how effectively you use them)
- Feedback from the participants
12 or 26 October 2021 – Role Playing a Joint Session (Facilitated Discussion / Mediation)
This session is for accredited mediators or people who are enrolled in the Facilitated Discussion Certificate Course, or people who have completed the 5 week online Conducting Workplace Facilitation webinars.
These sessions are conducted with accredited and experienced workplace mediators. They are designed for mediators to be able to practice their skills in a safe and collegial environment for the purposes of developing your mediation practice.
Upon registration you will receive a scenario of a common workplace conflict.
Your session is a role play and you are given the opportunity to rotate through the different roles as a mediator, and the disputing employees. You will be asked to mediate a common workplace three agenda conflict.
You will be provided feedback about;
- Your introduction
- Agenda setting and prioritisation
- Exploration
- Option Generation
- Capturing agreements
- Micro-skills
- Participant Feedback
- If you would like a more personal coaching session where we arrange the role players and you have 1:1 time with an experienced master Emverio Mediator you can.
Intakes: $699 for two hours with a master mediator and three role players (2 x employees, 1 x employer). We will provide you with the scenario and the typical mediation request form you will receive and you conduct the intakes online with a master mediator observing, who will then also provide verbal and written feedback to you.
Meditations: $1,299 for three hours with a master mediator and two role players. We will provide you with the scenario and the typical mediation request form that you will receive and you conduct the mediation online, with a master mediator observing who will provide verbal and written feedback to you.